David Fenton Associates

About DFA


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About DFA

What is DFA?

David Fenton Associates’ principal is David W. Fenton, a computer professional with more than a decade of front-line experience in software training, computer support and database design. Trained as a teacher of music and music history, Fenton has acquired years of experience in teaching and computer support. Fenton also works closely with a select group of professional associates and business partners in order to provide a full range of services from the simplest to the most complex.

The Associates

  • Jeremy Wallace, Alphabet City Dataworks. - Access & VB Database Application Development, Training & Support.
  • Edwin Marzan, Independent Access Developer. - Access Database Application Development, General Computer Setup, Configuration and Troubleshooting.
  • Aïda E. Chapman Ayala. Principal, Madison & Co. – Mailing List Design & Maintenance; Professional Office Training; Editing & Writing Services.
  • Stuart Frankel, Porcine Software – DOS & OS2 Software & Hardware Installation, Setup, Training & Troubleshooting.
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©1997-2002, David Fenton Associates. Last updated February 7, 2002.